Additional Resources

This web app is built off a database containing all historic data from the first Marin County Breeding Bird Atlas (labeled Shuford) and the current data all of our fearless volunteers are collecting out in the field right now. Please see the "Updated" metric in the tabs above for the last time data was updated in this application. The first date is the last time the Data Explorer was update, the second date represents the most recent CADC record in our database. The date is in the format of year-month-day.

Useful links can be found in the menu below.

Primary resources can be found in the white buttons below, additional resources can be found below as well. We generally recommend learning how to use KMZ files for running the MCBBA map on your mobile device as they do not require an internet connection to run. In the "Block Data" tab of this app you will find a download link for a KMZ of your study area. Susan Kelly made this great write up on how to use KMZ below (the blue button). There are also other tutorial links provided here, such as how to enter your data into CADC (green), how to use this data explorer (yellow), and a breeding code quick guide (red).
Each year of the survey we release a summary report to show our process, highlight accomplishments, and identify priorities for next season. See our completed reports here.
Generally a block leader should attempt to cover all of the habitat types within their survey block as possible. You can find a marin county habitat map below. Try zooming in to your survey block and checking out the different habitats within it. Toggle the habitat layer in the upper right hand corner of the map. For more information about the data contained in this map please refer to the datasheet link below.
Surveyors should attempt to contact property owners which may potentially have breeding birds within them before entering the property. The county of Marin provides a tool to look up the parcel IDs within the county to determine property ownership. We have overlain the block grid map over these parcels so that surveyor may look up the property ownerships within their block. To use this map first zoom into your block, then click on the parcel to get its ID (the ID is shown just under the land use type). Then these IDs can be used to look up property ownership using the county Assessor Records portal.
Each year our volunteers hit the field recording precious breeding data about the birds of Marin County. While in the field many of them also take photos cataloguing their findings. Below you can find links to the story maps we have available of their photos in the context of roughly where they were taken (pins on the map do not represent bird locations). Are you a volunteer with photos from in the field? Use the green link below to submit them to the 2025 story map!
The taxonomic order and species codes used in this app roughly follow the well-known-standard published by the Institute for Bird Populations (IBP). It is assumed in this app that the user is familiar with these codes and the way in which avian taxonomy is organized, however if you are not please check out the most recent release by IBP here below. Please also check out our project species google sheet which shows what species are hidden from the Species Explorer tab, as well as our project alpha codes and the order of our taxonomy.

Any questions about maps or the data behind this app shoot me an email at Any general project questions you can contact the project coordinator at Thanks and happy surveying!

-William Wiskes, GIS Analyst, Marin County Breeding Bird Atlas

top - 07:19:38 up 0 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
Tasks:   8 total,   1 running,   7 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):   0.0  user,   0.0  system,   0.0  nice, 100.0  idle
MiB Mem :   2048.0 total,   2005.9 free,     17.4 used,     24.7 buff/cache
MiB Swap:      0.0 total,      0.0 free,      0.0 used.   2005.9 avail Mem 

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